Bass Angler Magazine

Bassin’ In the Heat of Summer

Catch big bass during the hottest portion of the year

By: Colby Simms with Ray Simms
Photos by: the Simms Outdoors Team

Nice Summer Bass

Many anglers daydream about cooling air, falling leaves and the great fishing and hunting in autumn, some anglers distract themselves passing the time on one of the many bass fishing waters across the United States, Canada or Mexico. Some anglers stop fishing in the summer months and await the cooler weather and aggressively feeding fish of autumn, but those anglers are making a mistake.

Summertime bass angling is great fun because as water temperatures warm bass become more active and will roam lakes, rivers and reservoirs in search of the food to fuel their high speed metabolism.

Despite the advantage warm waters provide, summer can be a difficult time to catch large numbers of big bass. While feisty little scrappers along the shoreline can mean fast action, the bigger fish, the ones that we see in visions while we sleep, require a significant change of tactics.

Some waters can offer big summertime bass in the shallows, while others provide better action for anglers that probe the depths. Lakes that are shallow, weedy, or deep, rocky lakes such as those found in the West require different approaches and patterns.

Get the complete article and many more by ordering the 2010 Issue #3 Below

2010 Summer Issue #3 BASS ANGLER Magazine
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Mark Lassagne

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