Bass Angler Magazine

Writer’s Guidelines


Product Articles

Product Reviews

Fishing Reports

Destination Articles

Article Process

Writers Query

What’s in an Article

Bass Angler Magazine aka “BAM

Accepts Email Submissions: Yes

BAM Spring 2021 pg033
Lead in shot for the story photo by Casey Yoern

Website URL:

Editor-in-Chief: Mark Lassagne
Email: Mark Lassagne
Address: 1285 Stratford Ave G299 Dixon, CA 95620

Description: BASS ANGLER is a quarterly (how-to) print and mobile app, bass fishing magazine distributed throughout the US and Canada.

Mission: Our mission is to build and maintain the best and most comprehensive seasonal how-to bass fishing magazine on the planet.

Writers Focus: We have a grass roots approach to writing and publish the works of many writers that otherwise would not have the opportunity to be published; however, we also work with many seasoned writers. Our focus is for our writers to work with the experts in the industry, the touring professional anglers. We strive to produce unique articles that truly teach the angling public.

Rights: We reserve or purchase the rights to articles and photos, as well as non-exclusive electronic rights. We do not expect to see published articles republished elsewhere.

First Run Articles only: We pride ourselves on providing quality information to our readers and we will not knowingly publish an article that has been published elsewhere. Articles that have been published in a small print magazine or newsletter may be considered if has been rewritten by the original author. Articles previously published on the Internet will not be considered for BASS ANGLER magazine.

Needs: We are interested in new articles that teach anglers something old or new whether written by a novice or a professional. We publish articles covering trends, products (no advertorials type pieces) and people in the bass fishing industry. In-depth techniques, seasonal tactics, how-to, marketing, sports-health and destination pieces interest us. Our focus is exclusively bass fishing and we want articles that will help our readers become better anglers.

Audience: Our readership is comprised of bass anglers from novice to professional. The primary audience is the novice angler as well avid weekend bass fishing enthusiasts. The secondary audience is the bass angling professional and tournament angler.

Length: Full-length features should be approximately 1200 words. We occasionally run shorter articles, four to five hundred words as filler.

Photo/Art Needs: Writers are expected to submit (attach to an email) original photos or artwork as high-resolution jpeg images when submitting articles. (High res 300DPI at full size) Photos should be accompanied with captions, anglers name and then the name of the photographer being credited – these should be at the end of the article.

Payment: Stories are purchased and paid for when each issue goes to print which is approximately two months after submitting.

How to Submit: Please submit queries via email to Mark Lassagne providing as much detail as possible about the proposed article including the focus, potential interview subjects, a sample lead paragraph or two and a description of photographs and/or art.

Schedule a Story: We make every effort to use scheduled stories, however at times we have more than we can print where a story can be moved to another issue. If your story is not used we will notify you as soon as possible to reschedule it.

  • Include a title
  • Include a subtitle
  • Include photo credits
  • Include photo captions
  • Include a call out
  • Include the authors name
  • No double spacing between sentences
  • Use Consistent fractions 1/2  not ½
  • Use as few hyphens as possible
  • No tabbing – use first line indent
  • Limit extra punctuation marks – !!! ….. etc.
  • Bold text is OK to highlight something
  • No mixed fonts use Times, Cambria one standard font only (12pt)
  • No embedded hyperlinks, spell it out (no http://)
  • Include your Facebook or web address if you want us to link to them
  • Include a short BIO of yourself and the professional angler at the bottom of your article

Image Requirements:

  1. 300 DPI images only
  2. Name each image so they can be identified
  3. No images from websites or other copyrighted sources
  4. We like to have one nice lead in shot with a couple supporting photos
  5. Please place image caption at the end of the article where each photo can be identified
  6. We have relationships with various organizations to acquire images, if you need help please ask

Microsoft Word Paragraph FormatMicrosoft Word is the preferred format with Cambria 12 pt. font, use automatic indents with no spaces between each new paragraph. Do not double space after sentences, no mixed fonts and no embedded hyperlinks. Title the article at the top, then a subtitle, next list call outs and then photo caption with your name underneath the photo captions.

If an image needs to be placed in a certain spot, add a note for desired photo placement and add a caption if needed. Please do not place the photo inside the article body, place a note in the article as to where the picture should be placed. Pictures should be sent in email. In addition, italicize quotes or captions.  The caption or call out should be placed above the body of the article to make sure we recognize it. After the story you may include a short bio to be published with the article. Before you send the file please name it with: (your name article title)

Extras: We can include videos in articles linked via QR code.  We also publish the magazine in an electronic version for the iPad, iPhone and Android platforms where various items will be hot linked.

Response Time: We make every effort to respond within 2 weeks.

Tips for Writers: Please read a copy of the BASS ANGLER Magazine in order to see the types of articles we run and to insure your topic has not been covered in previous issues. Please be very specific in your article query including what information will be covered in the article with as much detail as possible. The most specific and original queries will be chosen and used in Bass Angler. We have a list of topics and articles that we would like writers to consider covering for our publication. In addition, we are always interested in new topics and new ideas.

Magazine Production Schedule:

Issue #1 Winter Issue: article deadline September 1st, displays December 15th to March 30th

Issue #2 Spring Issue: article deadline December 1st, displays March 15th to June 30th

Issue #3 Summer Issue: article deadline March 1st, displays June 15th to September 30th

Issue #4 Fall Issue: article deadline June 1st, displays September 15th to December 31st


Test the “grade level” of your article here:

Here is a good writing reference source:

We follow AP Guidelines whenever possible: