Bass Angler Magazine

Wild West Bass – Covid 19 Fishing Tournament Rules

Special considerations for this event:

We are facing some unprecedented times and Wild West Bass Trail asks everyone to adhere to the changes announced. Please be patient as blast off, check in, and weigh-ins will take longer than normal. Our goal is to run the best event that we can while meeting all of the Federal and State Guidelines imposed to all businesses.


All Federal and State Guidelines will be adhered to. Social Distancing and no loitering or groups larger than 2 will be permitted unless there is 6 feet between all individuals.

It is important to our customers, partners, the community and staff for WWBT to run a safe event. We ask that each angler take responsibility and be extra vigilante about your actions and how they can be perceived by the general public.

  1. If you feel that you are at risk, or in a high risk category, WWBT encourages you to not participate in this event. We will look forward to serving you at future events.
  2. Any contestants that are sick, appear sick, or show any flu like symptoms will not be allowed to participate. WWBT encourages those individuals who show even mild symptoms to not participate.
  3. We will not be holding an in person meeting. The meeting will be held on WWBT social media platform. Contestant must tune in and will be responsible for all rules announced at the meeting. A written copy of the rules can be made available upon request.
  4. We will not be allowing spectators to attend the weigh in.
  5. If Pro’s launch from Big Break, WWBT encourages the co-angler to meet the Pro angler at the Big Break ramp or in the parking lot and have the co-angler stay in the boat while the pro angler launches the boat and parks their vehicle or vise-versa.
  6. Those contestants that elect to launch from other facilities are also encouraged to meet their co-anglers at that facility. We encourage you to call other local marinas such as Lauritzens, Sherman Lake, Eddos, Brannon Island, Russos, Sugar Barge, Korths, and BW are nearby.
  7. There will be absolutely no loitering in any portion of Big Break Marina.
  8. Once contestants are launched, they must proceed out towards the 5MPH buoy and maintain social distancing.
  9. Check in and Flights will begin at 2:20 PM
    1. Anglers who wish to weigh in earlier may do so beginning at 2:00PM.
      1. Ensure that you contact the TD prior.
    2. Each consecutive flight will be 20 minutes apart
    3. There will be 10 boats in each flight creating 20 weigh ins.
      1. Example based on 120 boats there will be 10 flights.
      2. 2:20, 2:40, 3:00, 3:20, 3:40, 4:00, 4:20, 4:40, 5:00, 5:20

  • Order will be in-versed on day 2
  1. Championship Sunday check in will be 3:00PM
  2. Please be aware of fish care responsibilities.
  3. There will be a chokepoint boat positioned at the 5MPH buoy.
    1. This person will allow flight 2, 3, 4, and so on to proceed to the dock only when the congestion has been reduced to the point the there will be no grouping of people or gathering.
    2. Those boats who have checked in by flight will remain in their boats. We encourage you to use this time to retie, eat, and get situated for the next day.
  • There will be long wait times for those contestants holding beyond the 5MPH buoy.
  1. We ask everyone to prepare for this and be to be patient.
  1. Weigh in
    1. Once allowed to proceed to the dock by the Chokepoint boat all contestants must
      1. Proceed efficiently to the weigh in stage.
      2. WWBT will have bump tanks spaced out to ensure social distancing
  • Anglers must stand in designated areas that will be clearly marked.
  1. Wear a mask that covers their mouth and nose.
  2. You will not be allowed to cross the weigh in stage without these items on. You may open yourself to forfeiting your days catch.
  3. Sanitize hands after weighing in
  • Stand at designated marks on the ground around the bump tanks
  • Immediately upon obtaining your weight slip both anglers are to return to their assigned boat and leave the dock immediately.
  1. If you launched at Big Break Marina you must trailer your boat as safely possible and leave to Big Break Marina grounds.
  1. There will not be an awards ceremony for those anglers who do not make the top 10 cut.
    1. Standings will be posted after the conclusion of day 2 on the WWBT website and/or Facebook Page.
      1. For those contestants that earned a check or other awards:
        1. Those checks and awards will be mailed or electronic funds transferred to you no later than the Tuesday, June 16 following the event.
      2. There will be a top 10 meeting immediately following the closing of the day 2 scales.
        1. We can hold a meeting of 20 persons while maintaining social distancing.
      3. Championship Sunday
        1. Will follow format to prior days.
        2. Special announcements will be made at the top 10 meeting.
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Mark Lassagne, born and raised in California is the creator of the popular, BASS ANGLER magazine. Mark a skillful professional angler, outdoor writer, promoter and top competitor on the western tournament circuits.

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