The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announced the finalization of a rule outlining the changes to the national wildlife refuges across the country. This new change will allow......
It’s nearing the end of summer cruising season for recreational boaters, who are looking to fit in one more trip away from home. If you’re member of BoatUS, a marina may even give you a discount on fuel, transient dockage or repair work, but most importantly, transient boaters should recognize......
The title of Forrest Wood Cup Champion at the Forrest Wood Cup at Lake Ouachita presented by Walmart went to Professional angler Brad Knight of Lancing, Tennessee. His......
LUTCOM SA DE CV, of Mexico City, and FLW, the world’s largest tournament-fishing organization just signed a exclusive licensing agreement to begin......
Scott Manson of Covington, Ohio won the fourth Walmart Bass Fishing League Buckeye Division tournament on the Ohio River. He caught four bass weighing a......
Matt Elkins of Spencerville, Ohio won the Walmart Bass Fishing League Michigan Division tournament on the Detroit River. His five-bass limit total came to ......