Bass Angler Magazine

Category : Seasonal Fishing

The Ultimate Guide to Seasonal Bass Behavior
Seasonal Fishing

The Ultimate Guide to Seasonal Bass Behavior: Predicting Bites All Year Round

Mark Lassagne
If you’re an angler, you know bass fishing is about more than just casting a line and waiting. To consistently catch bass throughout the year, you need to understand how these fish behave and adapt with the changing seasons. This guide will walk you through the seasonal patterns of bass......
Seasonal Fishing

Fall Smallmouth Fishing: A Guide to Catching River Smallies

Andrea Marini
Pound for pound, smallmouth bass are among the fiercest freshwater fighters in North America. Known for their aggressive, feisty nature, smallmouth bass have long been a favorite target of anglers. While summer months see a peak in smallmouth fishing, many anglers abandon the pursuit of smallies as fall arrives, distracted......
Seasonal Fishing

Post-Spawn Through Summer Smallmouth

Andrea Marini
Whitewater Fishing Pro, Jay Przekurat, shares smallmouth bass wisdom that’ll work right now MUSKEGON, Mich. (June 26, 2024) – In the northern and middle America states, smallmouth bass are either in post-spawn or post-post-spawn, meaning transition away from shallower spawning areas to deeper waters. With regards to the former, the smallmouth......
Fishing TechniquesSeasonal Fishing

A-Rig Strategies for Fall Smallmouths

Andrea Marini
“Fall is my favorite time of year to throw an A-rig for big smallmouths,” says hardcore Michigan-based bass angler, Kyle Kunst. “The availability of bait is the most important thing when throwing an Alabama Rig in the fall. Bait schools congregate and the smallies go on feeding binges, packing on......