Bass Angler Magazine

COHOF Now Accepting Nominations

Call For Nominations

The California Outdoors Hall of Fame (COHOF) is now accepting nominations for 2022. Nominations should be sent to and

The California Outdoors Hall of Fame ( recognizes individuals with a profound scope of outdoor accomplishments that have impacted others and improved the lives of Californians. Personal achievement, by itself, merits less consideration. The award is sponsored by the International Sportsmen’s Exposition with support of outdoor industry businesses and associations.


  • Living nominees (30+ years old), 
  • Posthumous nominees and 
  • Movers and Shakers (any nominee under the age of 30).

All nominees must satisfy two criteria:

  • The nominees have inspired thousands of Californians to take part in the great outdoors and/or conservation.
  • The nominees must have taken part in a paramount scope of adventure.
Nomination Process:
  • Each nomination must include the name of the nominee and a 200 to 250-word description of why the nominee meets the criteria for induction (stated above). 
  • Attachments (e.g., news articles, website links, YouTube video links) may be included.
  • Nominations must be received by an email sent to BOTH and NOT LATER THAN DEC. 31, 2021.


  • As nominations are received, nominees will be vetted by the COHOF Executive Committee. Their role is to determine if the nominations meet the criteria.
  • Following the deadline for nominations (Dec. 31) and not later than Jan. 3, ballots will be sent to the Circle of Chiefs. The Circle of Chiefs includes prior inductees to the COHOF and a select list of current leaders in a broad swath of outdoor sports and recreation across California.


  • The 2022 Class of COHOF Members and the location, date and time of the induction ceremony will be announced in January, 2021.


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Mark Lassagne

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