Bass Angler Magazine

Things Every Guy In His 30s Should Own

guys over 30 should have these thingsWe tend to collect things as we grow older. Well, we guys do, anyway. Some say it’s in our nature and some say it’s just “a guy thing.” Regardless, there are a few things – practical, useful things – that every guy should own by the time he reaches thirty years of age. In this article, we will give you a master list to check off to see how well you are doing and what you may need to add to your collection. Don’t worry, it will be painless and somewhat fun.

 1 – Financial Independence

 This doesn’t mean you should be rich, although that would be a pretty nice bonus. Ideally, you should be completely financially independent from your parents by the time you reach 30. If you are still living in their basement, that could be a sign. That is unless you own the home and you’ve let your folks live upstairs rent-free for all they’ve done for you over the years.

 2 – Grow A Beard

 Okay, maybe not the most practical thing on this list, but for some guys, the taming of their facial hair in the form of a beard is a good thing. It can work in your favor if you are one of those guys who looks much younger than you are. A beard can make you look your age, add some character to your face and give you a mature look that could get you that promotion.

 3 – Kitchen Knives

 You won’t know how handy a good quality set of kitchen knives will be until you have your own set. Even if you spend less time in the kitchen than most guys in your peer group, a great collection of stainless steel blades may encourage you to explore what that oven can do for you at mealtime. Plus, it will impress the girl if you can fillet, slice or dice anything.

 4 – A Tie Clip Or Two

Assuming you wear a tie, it would be a smart complement to it to add a tie clip. The main purpose of a tie clip is to hold your tie in place with your shirt. That way, if you are bending over a bowl of soup, as an example, your tie won’t end up in your food and will stay nice and clean as a result. There are many styles to choose from so try to stay professional with yours.

 5 – Poker Chips

 Hey, you still have to have some fun, right? Getting together weekly with the gang from work for poker night is a great way to burn off some steam, build relationships, develop some competitive skills and see the people you spend hours on the job with in a very different light. Poker chips are one of the many things available for guys (and gals) at GiftWits.

 6 – Exercise Equipment

 If you don’t already have a gym membership, the next best thing is a weight bench and some weights. At least have them somewhere so you can still fit in a workout if the weather is bad and you cancel your trip to the gym or neighborhood jog. Plus, working with free weights will increase your range of motion and help you to get rid of that extra roll around your belly.

 7 – A Pet

 Depending on your living arrangement, if you can’t have a dog or cat, go with something a little easier to take care of such as fish, gerbils or a bird. Not only will a pet give you companionship on those days and nights when you are feeling particularly alone, but they also present you with an opportunity to take care of something. Pets are good for your mental health as well.

 8 – A Reliable Vehicle

Sure, you probably went through that phase most young guys do with second-hand, broken-down wheels so you can monkey around with fixing them up. By the time you reach 30, you should own a brand new vehicle that is big enough for you and all your stuff should you decide to go camping somewhere. It also has to be the type of vehicle to get you to work on time.

 9 – Something Your Father Once Owned

 Call us sentimental if you must, but there is something powerful about having something your father once owned in your possession. It can be an old hand tool from his workshop or a hat you always borrowed or some other item that connects you to him. It will become more valuable to you after your father passes on and could become that item you pass on to your son.

 10 – Own Artwork And Good Books

 These are more of an investment than anything else. However, a nice piece of art hanging in your living room or den is also a nice touch. Books are always a good investment and if you can find some classic out-of-print volumes, these will become the anchors of your library. Naturally, fill in the balance of your art and book collection with other works to make them interesting.

 11 – A Multi-Tool

 Sure, it may be considered nothing more than a gadget to some but a multi-tool may just save your life. Be sure to get one that has several functions so that you can just toss it into the glove box and know it is there when you need it. A good multi-tool will eliminate the need for several smaller tools and a toolbox to keep them in. It is a good investment.

 In Conclusion

 If you can check off most of the items on this list, you are in pretty good shape. If you are missing a few of these things, you may have to shape up. The list above is just a general guideline and not written in stone unless you are still living with your folks and don’t know how to cook. We may have to have a serious conversation with you about changing that!


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